The Week of Catastrophe

Tired of updating my blog with mindless words in Chinese. Inspired by Raymond Zhou, I am beginning typing down these sentences in English to get rid of idleness when again and again damped time on my meaningless blog…
This week is about “Catastrophe”.

Late at night yesterday when Chasez informed me of the turmoil in Tibet I remembered the series of demonstration in India, Nepal and finally Tibet in recent days, in which the participants were not only Monks — once again the demonstration was linked to “Freedom” or “Independence”. Some kind of weird, all these things happened after Bjrk’s “Delare Independence” several days ago…or we did not notice the lasting protests on the border of Tibet and India till someone screamed the name “Tibet”. Anyway, hope soon be HARMONIZED…

I’d rather forget about the disaster occured in SEU, though there was something that still hurts me during my last year at that building, now it has already been cinerated to Ash, like the memories concerning the last 4 years as an undergraduate– both happiness, and sadness. And the most important one is, that I realized that I am among those who received BA Diploma at that building for the last time, which sounds quite honorable, or funny…

Mum told me that grandmother passed away in the middle of this week, funeral today. I would only describedher as a “Good” person who was always greeting me with a smiling face everytime I visited her. However, actually she’s been blind and apoplectic for over 10 years, which finally leads her disability of communication. I still remember the last time I went to her place she seized my hand tightly — she could still sense the people that came to her. Now, to some extent, she’s eventually set free, free of torture, free of life. Bless to my beloved one, in heaven.

Better not to mention the Champions League 1/4 draw last night, which forced me into “the concept of Destiny”. Anyway, I don’t wanna lose my bet against Kenny. Good Luck to Gunners, bless.

Time for work now.

ps. Surprising that today I could not log in MSN but for the first time I could watch most of the podcasts on YouTube with little buffering…God…
pps. Switch BGM to “Lately” by Helio Sequence. Their lastest album is fantastic, among my favorite in 2008.

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该日志由 Alexandra 于2008年03月15日发表在 Claustrophobia 分类下, 你可以发表评论,并在保留原文地址及作者的情况下引用到你的网站或博客。
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