Je veux changer d’atmosphère

Je veux changer d’atmosphère, dans mon “jardin d’été”. Merci mes chères amis…

Radiohead: House of Cards
Watch the music video:

It turns out that Radiohead is unique and incomparable, see details at GoogleCode Radiohead.Everyone can makehis own music video with no camera!!!

To those who may concern:
Whether have plagiarized or not does not lie in your lies, it lies in your righteousness (if you still have, which, I think, you have probably thrown out of your life). It seems to me a humiliation to continue disputing with someone who easily mixes sufficient and necessary conditions, which implies that this motherfxxker is not only an under-undergraduate, but an under-high school graduate –furthermore, this motherfxxker, of course, isnot even a “normal man”, a mature, moral, healthy man. Further controversy will greatly damage my critical thinking, especiallyduring this special period when I need to concentrate in my paid translation work, which this motherfxxker willnever get the chance to plagiarize, or fortunately (or unfurtunately according to this cunt itself) share the same version of translated words with me.
To those with distinguished genius, I gave up all the translation in my weblog, and now, no one will accuse you of plagiarism. Finally, you are free you fxxking idiot shit who even do not know how to switch to anotherIP while chaning another ID like dressing different underwears.

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本文固定链接: | Strange News From Another Star

该日志由 Alexandra 于2008年07月18日发表在 Claustrophobia 分类下, 你可以发表评论,并在保留原文地址及作者的情况下引用到你的网站或博客。
原创文章转载请注明: Je veux changer d’atmosphère | Strange News From Another Star


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