Maximilian Hecker" />

下周节目: Love in December——北欧之声

Maximilian Hecker


Doubts have vanished, all is clear

White, smooth, endless, outright, sheer

And I smile as I sink to the ground

Snow is falling down on me

I start crying blissfully

Lazy diamonds poured by heaven

Lie down on my red, hot cheeks

Drowsy drift ice Live forever

I fall deeply into sleep

Hecker属于德国Kitty-Yo厂牌。从小就爱好音乐并学习乐器与录音。原本在酒吧做驻场歌手,被发现后在公司内做电子音乐制作人,随后自己创作演唱。Maximilian Hecker01年发行了第一张专辑《Infinite Love Songs》,独自完成歌曲创作以及所有乐器的演奏。古典钢琴与假声的运用是Maximilian Hecker最大的特色,专辑以爱情与由此而生的忧伤为主题,巧妙地利用古典乐中的曲式行进,那些被作词者刻意回避掉、Beatles式的表白语句,由他吐露出来却是令人期待的,也异常深情。每首歌曲都非常动听。043月他来到中国的上海与北京。051月全新专辑《Lady Sleep》发行。Maximilian Hecker似乎不愿去大变,仍然保持着优美的旋律、古典钢琴与假声都更加成熟。他将精力全部用在雕琢细节上,加入了小提琴、铃声,电子音效变得简约、恰到好处,对人声也有一些处理。《Snow》中的电子音效使歌曲分外空灵,干净得如一些冰岛的音乐。


She Spider4’44”

After we fall asleep, our sun rise

I will make it the truth of painfully

Helping me cover up things

I wish I never had found

Confident, Tangled up in a nice life

Put the spider in you

Watching in, Disregard

You live a nice life, With the spider and you

I saved myself

For someone someshere’s sweet caress

Something goes wrong

And all i sought was happiness

And so in right wing fashion

We’ll nurture xenophobia and be strong

In right wing fashion, With paste and generosity

Because no one is safe

From someone somewhere’s sweet embrace

And so I hoave simply decided to dislike you now

也许是大自然的特性使然,寒冷的气候和似世界尽头般的地理位置,让北欧这片与世无争的土地总是能源源不断地向人们提供那些不食人间烟火美妙乐音。不同于他们风靡世界乐坛的同胞Aqua和Michael learns to rock,Mew的声音永远那么的冷静内敛,不管是在如火花跳动一样的吉他噪音响起,还是主唱用那纤细而响亮的声音开始诉说某件事物,都会令人暂且忘记自己所处何时何地,并不由自主地随之伤感起来。

在丹麦的首都哥本哈根,音乐和电影方面共同的兴趣把四个年轻人联系到了一起。像所的有新生生命一样,他们现在的成就也并非一下所得,甚至花了相当一段时间来建立这个乐队并着手工作。主音歌手Jonas Bjerre说,由于一直以来我们不会弹别人的歌,所以不得不考虑去弄一些自己的曲子出来,结果我们发现事情有了起色,我们做对了。虽然运用了很多常人看似奇怪的音乐处理手法,但Mew却从来没有舍弃令听觉舒服这一前提。在他们的音乐中你能听到吉他贯穿始终却没有任何独奏段落,有钢琴却经常不踩延音踏板,复杂的节奏当然不可能存在,不过却时不时能听到一些贝斯和鼓好玩的切分,说Mew在不经意间为独立流行乐增添了光彩一点都不为过。

在几张限量单曲推出获得评论界的肯定之后,随后的官方正式专辑《Frengers》呼之欲出,溢美之词也接踵而至。标题Frengers来自friendstranger两个词的合并,Jonas唱出的那些珠玲玉碎旋律贯穿专辑始终。Jonas的吟唱让人不由自主地会拿他们与德国独立唱将Maximilian hecker作一番比较。专辑中值得一提的是《Her Voice Is Beyond Her Years》,歌中请到了Mew最爱的女英雄,来自斯德哥尔摩的Stina Nordenstam献声。最后一首《Comforting Sounds》,当中说迟钝又疲惫像所有人一样,真的,我曾试着避免这一切,如果现在回到童年,我们就知道什么时候该停下来,然而现在为时已晚,一切都不再纯洁,除了孤独


Her Voice Is Beyond Her Years2’48”

Her Voice is Beyond Her Years

She’s trying to move you

She did not know where to go and soon it was dark

If I could look you in the eyes

I couldn’t let you go

Her Voice is Beyond Her Years

Please try not to move her

At least it was her mistake hers alone to make


Green Grass of Tunnel4’59”

Down from the ceiling, Drips great noise

It drips on my head through a hole in the roof.

Behind these two hills here there’s a pool

And when I’m swimming in through a tunnel

I shut my eyes

Inside their cabin I make sounds

In through the tubes I send this noise.

Behind these two hills here fall asleep

And when I flood in green grass of tunnel

It floods back


Múm的作品中充满了沁人心脾的旋律、嘎吱嘎吱的易碎节拍和顽皮的哔哔声响。或许乐队成员不愿承认,但他们的作品确实是机灵聪颖清澈见底,聆听者会感受到飘荡在空气中的那份真挚。Múm1999年末在TMT ENTERTAINMENT公司发行了他们的处女作Yesterday Was DramaticToday Is OK。这张专辑就像风暴一样席卷冰岛,Múm也因此在当年获得了冰岛音乐奖的最佳新人奖,与此同时专辑也受到了国际媒体和乐迷们强烈欢迎。众多知名杂志都对Múm刊登了积极的评论。这张专辑是关于四个孩子在海边村庄度过暑假的故事。他们泡图书馆、游泳、骑车远游……这好像不是一张专辑而是一本故事书。之后,Múm与近年来稳步成长的独立厂牌FatCat签约。2002年五月, MúmFatCat公司的专辑Finally we are no one终于面世了。这一次Múm带来的是更为温和精致的奇异冰岛之旅。他们不惹麻烦,不吸毒,完全是些安分顺从的好孩子。除了写出美妙的音乐,他们给剧院和电影配乐,搞搞小型演出,做些再混音的小玩意。

Kings of Convenience


I loose some sales and my boss won’t be happy

But I can’t stop listening to the sound

Of two soft voices mended in perfection

From the reels of this record that I found

Everyday there’s a boy in the mirror

Asking me what are you doing here

Finding all my previous motives

Growing increasingly unclear

I’ve travelled far and I’ve burned all the bridges

I believed as soon as I hit land

All the other options held before me

Will wither in the light of my plan

So I loose some sales and my boss won’t be happy

But there’s only one thing on my mind

Searching boxes underneath the counter

On a chance that on a tape I’d find

A song for Someone who needs somewhere

To long for

Homesick Cause I no longer know What home is

来自挪威的二人组合Kings Of ConvenienceRiot On An Empty Street(暴乱在空无的街道)。其标题与乐队上一张专辑Quiet Is The New Loud(寂静是新潮的喧嚣)交相辉映,从暴乱空无寂静喧嚣这类有较大差异的词汇的对比中,可以看出他们灰黑色的幽默。许多市场关注NME杂志及其网站的朋友们都知道,当年Kings Of Convenience出道的时候,不仅被NME归纳为New Acoustic Movement当中的一份子,更被捧为“21世纪的Simon & Garfunkel”。这就好像80年代U2的走红与因为时局不稳而备受关注的爱尔兰有关一样,这对二人组合的成功很大程度上也是依靠了挪威的备受关注,不过这里被关注的焦点不是小仗不断与时局动荡,而是那里令人着迷的好山好水好风光。当然,除了外在的客观条件之外,还有他们音乐本身在特定时空的独特性。Kings Of Convenience刚出道时签约的是挪威本地的独立厂牌Tellé Records,这支厂牌下的艺人大多是电子音乐的生产者,唯独他们的音乐被Acoustic重重包围。虽然Kings Of Convenience对外的形象一直是清新的民谣,但你可曾想到,这支组合的前身是专门翻唱Joy DivisionPost-Punk乐队Sk

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该日志由 Alexandra 于2005年12月04日发表在 Claustrophobia 分类下, 你可以发表评论,并在保留原文地址及作者的情况下引用到你的网站或博客。
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