Nobody can see them, nobody can ever hear them yell

    Better put it down in non-Chinese, although my English/French is under "recession".

    It seems to me sort of "delighting" when the cancellation of Oasis mainland China show was confirmed, since I’ve planned not to go for that gig. Ain’t no reasons, at least no official statement in Chinese. However, the most frequent words used in foreign coverage, besides keywords as China and bans, is obviously, Free Tibet. According to NME:

    The full statement on behalf of Oasis reads: 
    "Oasis were informed Saturday (February 28) by their Chinese promoters, (Emma Entertainment/Ticketmaster China) that representatives from the Chinese government have revoked the performance licenses already issued for the band and ordered their shows in both Beijing and Shanghai to be immediately cancelled. The government have instructed the ticket agencies to stop selling tickets and to reimburse the thousands of fans who have already purchased tickets for these inaugural Oasis shows in the People’s Republic of China.
    "The licensing and immigration process for the two shows had been fully and successfully complied with well before the shows went on sale. The Chinese authorities action in cancelling these shows marks a reversal of their decision regarding the band, which has left both Oasis and the promoters bewildered.
    "According to the show’s promoters, officials within the Chinese Ministry of Culture only recently discovered that Noel Gallagher appeared at a Free Tibet Benefit Concert on Randall’s Island in New York in 1997, and have now deemed that the band are consequently unsuitable to perform to their fans in the Chinese Republic on 3rd and 5th of April, during its 60th anniversary year.
    "Oasis are extremely disappointed that they are now being prevented from undertaking their planned tour of mainland China and hope that the powers that be within China will reconsider their decision and allow the band to perform to their Chinese fans at some stage in the future.
    "The rest of the South East Asian leg of the band’s tour, including the Hong Kong show, will go ahead as planned."

    Based on this statement, Oasis appears "too simple, sometimes naive" since there ain’t no possibility for reconsideration of "powers"("power" in plural form) that be within China. One thing for sure, there will never, ever be an Oasis show in mainland China, especially after Björk’s "Declare Independence" a year ago, who also appeared on that Tibet-linked show in 1997. More artists including Radiohead and U2 (both of them insist their reluctance to come to China even for sightseeing), Blur (sad, for Damon is such an enthusiastic admirer of traditional Chinese performing art), Red Hot Chilli Peppers and so on will also be deprived of possibility to appear on mainland Chinese stages. Pity. But actually it is the Chinese government that turned out to be "too simple, sometimes naive". Reminiscing what happened last March, when Björk behaved like a geek in Shanghai, most Chinese audience and listeners continuously criticised her foolish behavior although they before had admired her as an incomparable idol. Then take a prospective look on what the authorities fear to happen in Oasis show, once the Gallaghers behave inappropriately, will they be as admired as now among Chinese fans? Does their "potential" behavior, which, from my point of view and according to their previous numerous shows, is of the same prabability as zero, will really damage this government who always stands for of progress, harmony, benevolence, and so on so forth??? I am also "bewildered", really, bewildered.
    As it was put in, which deleted an online activity concerning anti-Guo Jingming, under the atmosphere of so-called "harmony", the government embraces Guo Jingmings while expels Han Hans. That is to say, the authorities appreciate teenagers (or adults if possible) indulging in useless and endless soliloquizing rather than dressing up like revolutionists. They love obscene lyrics in ballad pop songs, rather than retrospections and questions into the society put in bands as Oasis; They love lollipop-like melodramas, rather than movies reflecting what was, is or will be corrupting this land; They love deterioration, rather than ambition, in any forms, in any directions.

    Don’t look back in anger. Just treat it as a joke. All I wanna do, is fly to Great Britain, then see the gigs that I’ve been dreaming for.

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