Listen close, and don’t be stoned
I’ll be here in the morning
‘Cause I’m just floating
Your cigarette still burns
Your messed-up world will thrill me
Alison, I’m lost
Alison, I said we’re sinking
There’s nothing here but that’s okay
Outside your room, your only sister’s spinning
But she lies, tells me she’s just fine
I guess she’s out there somewhere
And the sailors they strike poses
TV covered walls, and so slowly
With your talking and your pills
Your messed-up life still thrills me
Alison, I’m lost
Alison, I’ll drink your wine
I wear your clothes, when we’re both high
Alison, I said we’re sinking
But you laugh and tells me it’s just fine
I guess she’s out there somewhere
终于知道,Souvlaki是希腊的一种美食,长久以来一直非常偏爱的一张唱片起这样一个名字,我是想不通,也不指望想通,因为这支乐队早已经解散了。Slowdive,后来的Mojave 3,传说中的shoegazing,缥缈的感觉,给人安逸和舒适。
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